Nanotech Scenario Series

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Chris Phoenix

“Molecular manufacturing will be
extremely powerful, but very few people know what that really means. We must
understand its projected impact on politics, economics, law, sociology, and the
environment.” – Chris Phoenix
Director of Research, has studied
nanotechnology for
more than 15 years. He obtained his BS in Symbolic Systems and MS in
Computer Science from Stanford University in 1991. From 1991 to 1997, he
worked as an embedded software engineer at Electronics for Imaging. In 1997,
he left the software field to concentrate on dyslexia correction and
research. Since 2000 he has focused on studying and writing
about molecular
manufacturing. Chris is a published author in nanotechnology and
nanomedical research, and maintains close contacts with many leading researchers
in the field.
Chris, who lives in California, is
currently on sabbatical.
 | Scientific Advisor, The Nanotechnology Group, Inc. |
 | Scientific Advisory Board, Nanorex, Inc. |
Senior Associate, Foresight Nanotech Institute |
 | "Exponential
Manufacturing: Desktop to Nano to Desktop" - NanoManufacturing Conference,
Chicago, 2007 |
 | "Implications
of Nanotechnology for Developing Countries" - Caracas, Venezuela, 2006 |
 | "Nanotechnology
and Economics" - International Seminar on
Nanotechnology, Society, and the Environment, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2006 |
 | "Nanotechnology: Its Promises and Perils" - New Jersey
Institute of Technology, 2006 -
 | "What can Nano Learn from Bio?" - Institute for Food and
Agricultural Standards, Michigan, 2005 |
"Designing a Revolution" -
Foresight Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology, San Francisco, 2005 |
 | "What
is Nanotechnology?" - Assembly
Technology Expo, Chicago, 2005 |
 | "Why is Nanotechnology Controversial?" - Future of
Nanomaterials conference, Miami, 2005 |
 | Presentation to the Congressionally mandated NAS/NRC study
on "Molecular Self-Assembly," Washington DC, 2005 |
 | "New Technologies for Sustainability" - Engineering a
Sustainable World conference, Stanford University, 2004 |
 | Session chair and featured speaker on Nanotechnology, Life
Spring Forum, China, 2004 |
 | "Clean Molecular Manufacturing" - Foresight Conference,
Washington DC, 2004 |
 | "Molecular Manufacturing: Top Ten Impacts" - Foresight
Conference, Washington DC, 2004 |
 | "Performance of Precision NEMS" - FIU/IEEE Conference on
Nanotech, Miami, 2004 |
 | Presentation to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's
Science Advisory Board, Washington DC, 2003 |
 | "Challenges and Pitfalls of Exponential Manufacturing" - a
chapter in Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of
Nanotechnology, edited by Allhof, Lin, Moor, Weckert (2007, John Wiley
& Sons) |
 | "The Need for Limits" -
Nanotechnology Perceptions journal,
2006 |
 | "Developing Molecular Manufacturing" - National Academy of
Sciences, 2005 |
 | "Large-Product General-Purpose Design and Manufacturing
Using Nanoscale Modules" - NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts, 2005 |
 | "Molecular Manufacturing: What, Why, and How" - Society of
Mechanical Engineers Conference, 2005 |
 | "Safe Exponential Manufacturing" (with Eric Drexler) -
Nanotechnology, journal of the Institute of Physics, 2004 |
 | "Projected Environmental Impacts of Molecular
Manufacturing" - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board,
2003 |
 | "Design of a Primitive Nanofactory" - Journal of
Evolution and Technology, 2003 |
 | "Three Systems of Action: A Proposed Application for
Effective Administration of Molecular Nanotechnology" (with Mike Treder) -
Discovering the Nanoscale conference, Germany, 2003 |
 | "Molecular Manufacturing: Start Planning" - Public
Interest Report, journal of the Federation of American Scientists, 2003 |
 | Book chapter, Doctor Tandy's First Guide to Life
Extension and Transhumanity (2001), edited by Charles Tandy, Ph.D. |
 | Interviewed for ZDNet podcast - January 2006 |
 | Interviewed on "Health Law and Politics," a syndicated
radio program - October 2006 |
 | Interviewed by Worldchanging.com - February 2006 |
 | Interviewed for story in CleanRooms magazine -
January 2006 |
 | Interviewed by Sander Olson for Nanomagazine - March
2005 |
 | Interviewed by Sander Olson for Nanomagazine -
January 2004 |
Chris also writes
Chris Phoenix is available for
speaking engagements.