Nanotech Scenario Series

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Task Force Essays
"As the pace of technological advancement rapidly accelerates, it
becomes increasingly important to promote knowledgeable and insightful
discussion of both promise and peril. I'm very pleased to take part in this
effort by including my own essay, and by hosting discussion of these essays on
the ‘MindX’ discussion board at KurzweilAI.net."
Kurzweil, inventor, entrepreneur, and best-selling author
For their first major project, the CRN Task Force chose to
generate a range of independent essays identifying and defining specific
concerns about the possibilities of advanced nanotechnology. As shown below,
some of those essays were published in the March 2006 issue of
the journal
Nanotechnology Perceptions. The rest of the essays were published
in the May 2006 issue of the journal.
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Online Discussion |
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Append Online |
Bostrom, Nick |
Nanoethics and Technological Revolutions: A Précis |
May 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Brin, David |
Singularities and Nightmares: The Range of Our Futures |
March 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Broderick, Damien |
Cultural Dominants and Differential MNT Uptake |
March 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Buerger, Michael |
From The Enlightenment to N-Lightenment |
May 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Burgess, Steve |
The (Needed) New Economics of Abundance |
May 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Cowper, Tom |
Molecular Manufacturing and 21st Century Policing |
March 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Craver, Tom |
Safer Molecular Manufacturing Through Nanoblocks |
May 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Freitas, Robert A. Jr. |
Molecular Manufacturing: Too Dangerous to Allow? |
March 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Freitas, Robert A. Jr. |
Economic Impact of the Personal Nanofactory |
May 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Freitas, Robert A. Jr. |
What Price Freedom? |
May 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Hall, J. Storrs |
Is AI Near a Takeoff Point? |
March 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Kurzweil, Ray |
Nanotechnology Dangers and Defenses |
March 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Lin, Patrick and Allhoff, Fritz |
Nanoethics and Human Enhancement |
March 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Maclurcan, Don |
Molecular Manufacturing and the Developing World |
May 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Mulhall, Douglas |
Are We Enlightened Guardians, Or Are We Apes Designing Humans? |
May 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Osborne, Deborah |
Molecular Manufacturing and the Need for Crime Science |
May 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Phoenix, Chris |
The Need For Limits |
March 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Prisco, Giulio |
Globalization and Open Source Nano Economy |
March 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Treder, Mike |
Nano-Guns, Nano-Germs, and Nano-Steel |
March 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Treder, Mike and Phoenix, Chris |
Introduction to Nanotech and Overview of Essays |
March 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Treder, Mike and Phoenix, Chris |
More Essays on Nanotechnology Implications |
May 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Vassar, Michael |
Corporate Cornucopia |
May 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Vita-More, Natasha |
Strategic Sustainable Brain |
March 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
Wang, Brian |
Considering Military Implications of Nanofactory-Level
Nanotechnology |
May 06 |
Kurzweil AI |
Wise-Nano |
